One platform for all doctors

SaaS Doctors Prescription & Appointment Software

Simplifies prescription and appointments, helping you to manage patients & chambers in a smart way. Create your first prescription in less than 60 seconds.

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La mejor manera de gestionar sus consultas recetas citas y pacientes

Usando Doctorix Appoinment Cuenta en la que puede administrar f�cilmente recetas pacientes citas y muchas m�s funciones por c�mara.

Online Consultation

Using Zoom online colsultation patients can make a live video meeting with the experts and get treatment & advices from them. Also doctors can set a fees for the online consultation and receive payments from patients using paypal and stripe

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Online Appointment Booking

Patients can booking their online or offline appointments with their expoerts in specific date and time. Doctors can manage all bookings from their portals and patients can see the status from patient portal.

Advanced & Super-easy Prescription System

We have a automated, powerfull and supereasy onload prescription system that will help the doctoros to create & print their prescriptions within a minute.

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Empieza a usar Doctorix Appoinment cuenta

Nuestro proceso de registro en l�nea le facilita registrarse para obtener una cuenta gratuita o profesional.
